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Tours 1-2-3 jours


The Cambodian Government has changed the price of Passes to visit the Temples.

Following the COVID19 epidemic, the 1 Day Pass is valid for 2 days.

We offer a "light" Historical Tour over 2 days.

Contact us for more information. 

Temples of Angkor - Tour  Discovery PASS 1  Day

Exclusivity and Best Seller ANGKORFRIENDLYRIDERS

Sunrise: Sunrise: Angkor Wat - Prasat Kraven - Pre Rup - East Mebon
City of Angkor Thom - Baphuon - Terrace of the Elephants - Terrace of the Leper King
Ta som - Ta Prohm - Bayon - Preah Khan - Neak Paen - Srah Srang 

"Discovery" tour


Optimizes the PASS Price by

1 Day of the Archaeological site

This Tour is for people wishing to optimize their visit to the Temples of ANGKOR.

3 Jours

Angkor Temples - Historical Tour PASS 3 Days

"Historical" tour

Optimize PASS Price of

3 Days of the Archaeological site

With this Tour, you will visit the Temples of ANGKOR respecting the Chronology of their construction.


Roluos Group - Preah Ko - Bakong - Krasat Kraven - Pre Rup - Mebon - Terrace of the Elephants
Terrace of the Leper King -  Banteay Sreï - Kbal Spean - Angkor Wat - Ta Prohm - Bayon
Banteay Samre - Preah Khan - Neak Paen - Angkor Thom City - Srah Srang

Angkor Temples - Banteay Srey & Kbal Spean Tour

Tour "Banteay Srey & Kbal Spean"

Spend half a day à

Banteay Srey and Kbal Spean

Banteay Sreï  - Kbal Spean

Tour "Expert"

Roluos Group - Preah Ko - Bakong - Krasat Kraven - Pre Rup - Mebon - Baphuon - Terrace of the Elephants
Terrace of the Leper King - Ta Som - 
Banteay Sreï - Kbal Spean - Angkor Wat - Ta Prohm - Bayon
Banteay Samre - Preah Khan - Neak Paen - Angkor Thom City - Srah Srang

Tour "Expert"


Optimizes the PASS Price by

 7 Archaeological site days

The most complete, respecting the Chronology of their construction and allowing to include "secondary" Temples

Tour "Banteay Srey & Kbal Spean"
Tour "Phnom Kulen"

Phnom Kulen - Kulen Mountain


"Phnom Kulen"

Spend a Day at

Phnom Kulen and enjoy the Waterfalls after exploring and visiting the important sites

Tour "Beng Mealea & Koh Ker"
Beng Mealea

"Beng Mealea & Koh Ker" Tour

A Road Trip  through the Countryside to reach the sites of Beung Mealea

& Koh Ker

Bueng Mealea - Koh Ker

Preah Vihear Tower

Tour "Preah Vihear"

A Road Trip  through the Countryside to reach the site of Preah Vihear (Border with Thailand)

Preah Vihear

Preah Vihear
Tripadvisor - Avis AngkorFriendlyRiders _edited.jpg

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Thanks to them especially for coming to Cambodia and trusting us!

         Viborann SRENG

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